April 13

Joshua 7:16-9:2, Luke 16:1-18, Psalm 82:1-8, Proverbs 13:2-3

Pray: Lord, please allow us to approach these passages today close enough to see not only the truth but to see any part of ourselves which might be reflected in this reading. We want to come clean, we want to live clean dear Lord. Help us to open our hearts and our eyes to become the persons you have created us to be.

Read: Reading the Old Testament passage brings us to tears as we see so much celebration and victory for the people of God with Jericho falling, yet there is still darkness in the camp due to sin. Achan’s stealing the valuables and hiding them has brought judgment upon he and his family. Yes, it first appears very cruel that God would want he and his family stoned to death. However, the lives of 3000 soldiers were lost in battle due to Achan’s sin. 3000 families would not have their daddies, their brothers or sons come home due to the consequence of Achan’s sin. God takes sin seriously. Why do we treat it so flippantly?

Edify: Both the Old Testament and New Testament readings bring us to an overwhelming realization that the Law of God is not our enemy nor is it a burden. The Law of God is to be viewed in light of a relationship with God. Just as each family has certain expectations of who will do dishes, who will cook, who will keep the checkbook, who will take the garbage out, the Law of God gives us guidelines to live by so our lives are not chaotic nor destructive. When we dishonor the law then we suffer the consequences. Jesus says it so well in Luke 16: 17, “But that doesn’t mean that the law has lost its force. It is easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for the smallest point of God’s law to be overturned.” The law will remain for it is of God, and the grace of God will enable us to stand before a Holy God because of Jesus’ death upon the cross making us righteous in the eyes of a Holy God. This should literally melt us and produce large amounts of gratitude within our hearts towards a compassionate God.

Practice: Proverbs tells us that those “who control their tongue will have a long life, opening your mouth can ruin everything.” How often have you and I said the wrong thing? Perhaps the reason God gave us two ears and one mouth is to listen twice as much as we speak. Let us practice good listening today and be slow to speak until we believe it is something which is edifying to others and of value. We can never go wrong with compliments or encouragement of others if it is authentic.

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