April 18

Joshua 16:1-18:28, Luke 19:1-27, Psalm 87:1-7, Proverbs 13:11

Pray: Father, I see all kinds of people and many of them are broken. Help me to see past their brokenness and see possibilities. Help me not to judge a book by its cover. Remind me to honor and to serve them.

Read: The story of a short-statured tax collector named Zacchaeus is a familiar one. He had climbed a sycamore tree in order to see Jesus. And Jesus saw him. Note that Jesus did not rebuke Zacchaeus for cheating people and treating them badly. Rather, Jesus said, I must be a guest in your home today. Tax collectors were not well thought of in that day. They had the reputation and mannerisms that we would attribute to a used car dealer who sells bad cars today. Jesus honored rather than rebuked Zacchaeus. Everyone knew Zacchaeus was a scoundrel. But Jesus saw what he could be, rather than who he was. Zacchaeus gave half of what he owned to the poor and paid back overcharged taxes times four. When someone’s inner most need to be valued and honored is met, big things, eternal things, happen.

Edify: The rich young ruler was told by Jesus to sell all that he had and give to the poor. Zacchaeus freely sold all that he had and gave half to the poor while paying those who he had cheated four times what he had taken unfairly from them. Zacchaeus was quick to repent. The rich young ruler would not repent. Zacchaeus knew he was a sinner in need of grace. The rich young ruler was self-righteous and full of himself. Jesus called Zacchaeus a true son of Abraham while he described the rich young ruler as far away from the kingdom.

Practice: Before telling someone what is wrong with them and what needs to change, please consider meeting their heartfelt need to be valued and honored. See past their brokenness. See what “might be”.

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