January 31

Exodus 12:14-13:16, Matthew 20:29-21:22, Psalm 25:16-22, Proverbs 6:12-15

Pray: Lord, today may we spend more time in prayer as we are reminded of the importance that You put on it. You were willing to go into the temple and make a scene driving out money changers and merchants to make one beautiful point. This place is for prayer. Lord, may we not short change our worship to You with all the other distractions of life and simply bow to You in prayer. Amen.

Read: Why did the Jewish people have a feast of unleavened bread? It was to remind every firstborn male born in Israel that he was saved and redeemed by God from the death that fell upon the first born of Egypt. The Israelites were instructed to bake cakes of unleavened bread because they were “thrust out” of Egypt. It was a remembrance meal. Can’t you hear a Jewish son asking his father “Why do we eat this gross hard bread dad?” “We are remembering the day God saved us all son…let me tell you the story.” God was intentionally instituting a practice that is still held to this day to remind us of His steadfast love and redemption. Amazing!

Edify: Some of the mothers of the disciples must have been worried about their sons and all the time they were spending with this Jesus fellow. They were worried (as all mothers do) that this may not have been the best use of their time. So they try and sure up on their investment by asking for a place around Jesus’ throne. Jesus ended the conversation by sharing that if they want to be great, they must be servants and that even the Son of man did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many. The only title we should be worried about is the one that proclaims Jesus is King!

Practice: We need to practice unwavering devotion to the Lord. We are so quick to change our minds and opinions on so many different things. Those gathering around to sing Hosanna in the Highest to Jesus as He rode into Jerusalem were some of the same to shout “Crucify Him” only several days later. Let us make our choice, follow Jesus no matter where it may take us or what circumstance may come.

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