March 19

Numbers 28:16-29:40, Luke 3:23-38, Psalm 62:1-12, Proverbs 11:18-19


Pray: Father, thank You for Your Holy Bible. It encourages and corrects, it guides and reminds me everyday of Your faithfulness and my need for Your perfect sacrifice for me. Your life was the ultimate sacrifice for my sin once and for all. Thank You for Your life, death, and resurrection today Jesus. Amen.

Read: In Numbers this morning we read about the prescribed offerings that the people of Israel were to make. Many of these offerings were made as a means of atonement for the sin of the people. If they were not meant for sin, they were dedicated to the Lord as an offering. Then they had Passover offerings as memorial, meant to be performed to remember the work of the Lord in the past. I think we could learn something from the people as they perform these sacrifices and offerings. These symbolic acts helped the people to be thankful for what God had done and also communally encourage the people to give unto the Lord from their own resources. It reminded the people, as we often need to be reminded, that everything we have is a gift from the Lord.

Edify: In our New Testament reading we see Luke providing Theophilus with an account of the genealogy of Jesus. This man did not just appear out of nowhere. He is from the lineage of David as prophesied by the prophets before. We have to remind ourselves sometimes as New Testament Christians entrenched in the Bible belt that Jesus was a real historical figure who we can trust. Faith is the SUBSTANCE of things hoped for and the EVIDENCE of things unseen. We don’t have blind faith in Christ, we have evidence and substance to support our belief.

Practice: Proverbs reminds us this morning how important it is to be a person of integrity especially when it comes to what we earn and make for a living. The promise is sure, the one who sows righteousness gets a sure reward.

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