May 6

Ruth 2:1-4:22, John 4:43-54, Psalms 105:16-36, Proverbs 14:25-27

Pray: Lord, today I want to pray for the leaders of our country, our community and our churches. I ask that You grant them wisdom that is grounded in You. I ask Your blessings and protection to be on their families and those closest to them because the devil is constantly looking for ways to divide us and tear us apart. Lord, I ask that You give them a burden for those who are hurting and in need of care like You have a burden for those same people. May our leaders see all people as people of value and worth because we are each created in Your image and Lord, may we be a nation, communities and churches that would rather seek Your approval instead of the approval of those we serve. Amen.

Read: Today we read the rest of the book of Ruth and enter into the journey toward an eventual marriage between Boaz and Ruth. Ruth begins with gleaning from the fields of Boaz and catches the eye of Boaz. Naomi develops a plan to further the relationship and Ruth goes along with it and ultimately is redeemed by Boaz in marriage. In today's, Old Testament reading, we get a glimpse at the family structure and commitment to caring for family in the story of Boaz and Ruth. In John, we encounter Jesus continuing His preaching ministry in Galilee. During His time there, He has the opportunity to heal the son of a government official. Although, a little irritated that it seemed to be only His miracles that were causing people to believe, He healed this boy just by speaking the words. This story and the healing of the little boy caused the government official and his entire family to believe in Christ as the Savior.

Edify: In the rat-race world that we live in, it is easy to lose focus. The Israelites lost focus time and time again and paid the price for it. When we lose focus in our lives and in our world today, we can’t get the things that need to get accomplished. We lose the power behind our efforts. The psalmist today shares the importance of remembering all that the Lord has done for us as a way of staying focused. When we stay focused on Him, we have the power needed to accomplish great things for Him. When we stray from Him, our lives get chaotic and have to be brought back in line. If you find yourself without focus in your life… dive into Scripture and attune yourself with the Creator of the Universe and the power behind your efforts. 

Practice: Where do your loyalties lie? Are you selfless in your actions or are you selfish? Today, go out and practice selflessness (putting others needs before your own) rather than selfishness. See where that takes you.

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