Esther 4:1-7:10, 1 Corinthians 12:1-26, Psalm 36:1-12, Proverbs 21:21-22
Pray: The Psalmist tells us that “God’s unfailing love is as vast as the heavens.” This should put us in a position of “safety” and “comfort” before the Lord. God’s love supports and sustains us so we may risk and ask for His redemptive work to be set loose in our lives. Let’s ask God boldly today to begin the seemingly impossible.
Read: Haman is seeking to destroy the Jews in order to get to Mordecai. Esther has a choice to make. She can remain in a state of “indifference” where she simply asks, “what can one person do?” and then do nothing. Or, she can risk everything and be willing to lay it all on the line and ask for the King’s mercy. What will she do? What would you do? What are you and I doing to eradicate racial prejudice in our community?
Edify: All too often we live either with the illusion that we can do nothing or that God is lucky to have us and needs us. I love what Mordecai tells young Esther, “4 If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place,” God’s will is going to be accomplished. You can count on it. However, if we do not decide to step up and be a part of God’s redemptive plan then we will miss out on having a front row seat in seeing God’s mighty hand move in our lives. We will miss out on being a part of his salvific work in the lives of others. How sad to miss out on that because we were too proud, too arrogant or “too busy” to take part.
Practice: Paul tells us in his letter to the church at Corinth that we are all gifted. We have spiritual gifts to bring to the Lord to impact others for good. However, if we remain silent with our talents and gifts then the body of Christ is weaker and the Kingdom of God suffers. We will suffer as well for we miss out on seeing God work in powerful ways. How can we be more intentional this week in standing up for the weak, the poor and those without a voice? How can we help unchurched persons take one more step closer to Christ?
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