September 13

Isaiah 12:1-14:32, 2 Corinthians 13:1-14, Psalm 57:1-11, Proverbs 23:9-11

Pray: Our Proverbs passage speaks to honesty and integrity, which seem to be rare commodities. When we see it in a person, we almost instantly want to befriend them. We’d like to hire them or work for them. What about in your own life? Are those traits evident? Are they existent? If not, there’s good news: repentance is possible and forgiveness is available! Ask the Lord to search your heart and any places where these traits may not be as strong as they should be. Then, seek His help.

Read: David writes Psalm 57 recalling the time he spent in a cave in hiding from his enemies. We go into caves all the time. We go to the cave of social media, hiding from real relationships. We go to the cave of addiction, hiding from the pain that’s inside us. There are caves everywhere. David’s cave turned out to be a place of refuge and protection where he would praise and thank the Living God. It was a cave of refuge, not escape…there’s a huge difference. Examine the cave(s) to which you go. Which category are they? If they’re places of escape where you avoid the reality around you, leave them. If they’re places of refuge and protection that God has given you, give thanks.

Edify: Being faithful is not a choice, at least not according to the Apostle Paul. He writes in 2 Corinthians 12:8, “For we cannot oppose the truth, but must always stand for the truth.” He didn’t say they shouldn’t oppose the truth. It was an absolute kind of statement. We don’t much care for absolutes today. We like the gray areas of life and faith, even though it’s in the gray areas where much of the dysfunction and hurts of life are born. Be as Paul, be absolute. Refuse to oppose the Truth of the Gospel. Always stand for the Truth of the Gospel. 

Practice: They’ve been delivered! God’s mercy has been shown. They will now “make known His praise around the world” (Isaiah 12:5b). What gratitude! When gratitude drives us to praise…and not just any praise, but praise abroad, praise so that everyone knows and hears…that’s real gratitude. What has the Lord God done in your life? Does He deserve praise? Do you have gratitude for His divine actions? Let His praise be known!

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