September 17

Isaiah 25:1-28:13, Galatians 3:10-22, Psalm 61:1-8, Proverbs 23:17-18

Pray: What a great reminder. It’s just one finite line, but the impact is almost infinite. “All we have accomplished is really from you” (Isaiah 26:12b). It’s an acknowledgement that no matter how successful we may feel, how many goals we meet, etc., it is all really from the Lord. It’s all a gift from the Divine Gift-Giver. As you pray today, give thanks to God for all He has done in your life.

Read: It’s a beautiful image of a loving, caring, grace-filled God. Isaiah says in 25:8, “The Sovereign Lord will wipe away all tears.” He’s not a distant deity sitting on a throne casting out judgments. He’s not a dictator issuing orders. He’s a God who rejoices with us in good times. He’s a God who, when difficulties arise and bring pain and hurt causing tears to flow, He comes alongside us and wipes those tears away. I’m so grateful for a God like that, aren’t you?

Edify: Sometimes things need to be torn down in order to rebuild something far better. It can be emotionally difficult to accept this, especially if it’s an historic building, a sentimental place, or just something for which we have a fondness. Isaiah begins chapter 25 with praise to God for the “wonderful things” He has done. Then, he startles us a bit by saying, “You turn mighty cities into heaps of ruins. Cities with strong walls are turned to rubble” (Isaiah 25:2a). Isaiah praises God for tearing down walls. What walls and strongholds need to be torn down in your life in order for God to rebuild something better? It can be painful in the middle of the demolition, but the end result is far better.

Practice: Have you ever been amazed by someone’s kindness? Maybe they pay for your meal unexpectedly (should we ever expect a free meal?). Maybe it’s a card or a nice gesture that brightens our day. We’re caught off guard, if only for a moment, because of the kindness of the gesture. “When He was hung on the cross, He took upon Himself the curse for our wrongdoing.” If you’re amazed by a free meal or a card in the mailbox, how much more for one who takes the blame and punishment for all you’ve ever done wrong (and ever will)?

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