September 19

Isaiah 30:12-33:9, Galatians 5:1-12, Psalm 63:1-11, Proverbs 23:22 

Pray: Search for God. Survey the uncertainty and the illusion of your own control over your next breath, next drive in the car, safety of a loved one, opinions of others about you; and then let your soul thirst for the One who has all power and glory in His sanctuary. Spend time praising and growing in desire for Him.

Read: What or who is the ultimate source for power in your life? This power source is where you place your hope, faith, and trust. Is it your own power? The government or national alliances? Religion or your own moral record? As you read today, consider the places that people, even the people of God, are placing their faith in places that are not the ultimate source of power. 

Edify: There is crisis in each reading whether it is the threat of exile, false teaching, or feeling stuck in the wilderness. Crisis has a way of making us evaluate, or at worst scramble, to find the source of power that can overcome our predicament. Isaiah highlights the sovereignty when an empire is bearing down on Israel. Another empire is not the answer. The sovereign Lord says, “Only in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved” (Isaiah 30:15). The Assyrian empire will be destroyed and sorrow is waiting on you if you put your trust in Egypt who are mere humans. For Paul, the crisis of returning to the law and leaning on the power of your own moral achievement is also futile. This misguided faith in your own works actually enslaves you, when a relationship with Christ has set you free. We must place our faith in Christ, Paul says, and then life becomes more about our faith expressing itself in love (Galatians 5:6).

Practice: What adversity has God set in your life? God Himself says that He gives adversity but “he will still be with you to teach you.” The Lord will guide you and you will see God in the trial. Today, practice both listening and praising as you’re filled with faith in the midst of that particular adversity. 

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