January 4

Genesis 8:1-10:32, Matthew 4:12-25, Psalm 4:1-8, Proverbs 1:20-23

Pray: Ask the Lord to give you insight and understanding as you read the Scripture. Some of this story may sound familiar as it is the story of Noah and Matthew tells of the beginning of Jesus' ministry. Ask God to give you fresh eyes as you read this story.

Read: See how the two promises are fulfilled in today's reading. Let's examine the text and notice how Jesus calls the disciples from ordinary jobs to extraordinary opportunity.

Edify: Today we read how God has established a covenant that the world will never be destroyed again by a flood. Another promise is given in the prophecy recorded about Jesus Himself. What does chapter 4:15-16 tell us about Jesus' purpose? If He came to shine His light in the darkness, then we, who are His followers, cannot live in darkness. We are called to push the darkness back so God's light can shine in the hearts of men and women.

Practice: God called Noah and his family to a purpose and task to save the world as they knew it. Jesus called the disciples to follow Him to bring healing, economic stability and unity. Notice that people are from Galilee, the Ten towns-land of the Gentiles, Jerusalem-the religious city and Judea which used to be divided against Jerusalem. Jesus is calling His disciples to "Multiply" and make an impact, bring healing and unity as we share the Good News about the Kingdom of God. Jesus multiplied Himself through equipping His disciples. Jesus taught Peter how to catch more fish, then others had to come with their boats to bring them all ashore.

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