Exodus 23:14 – 25:40, Matthew 24:29-51, Psalm 30:1-12, Proverbs 7:24-27
Pray: Newton’s Third Law states, “For every action, there is an equal opposite reaction.” While our readings today aren’t exactly physics (thank you Jesus!), they do talk about there being consequences (reactions) for our actions. As followers of Christ, we must be aware that our actions have consequences. The early believers had to learn that lesson as well as learn that living as someone who believed in God was going to take some getting used to. There were rules and expectations. Pray today that you will live up to the expectations that God has given us as followers of Christ.
Read: Today, we read of the institution of the covenant between God and His people, Israel as well as a warning from Christ Himself to remain vigilant because no one knows when Christ will return and the end of time as we know it will be over. Moses comes to the end of his sharing of “all the teachings and regulations the Lord had given him”. In the very next breath, the Bible tells us that all of the leaders of Israel replied in unison, “We will do everything the Lord has told us to do.” This commitment to following God is what set the Israelites apart from all other people on the Earth. These were God’s chosen ones. The New Testament reading reminds us of what is in store for those who are faithful to the covenant made by the Israelite leaders, when Jesus says, “If the master returns and finds that the servant has done a good job, there will be a reward.” Oh that we may be those faithful servants awaiting the return of the Master.
Edify: There are many in our culture that are convinced that there will be no sort of consequences for living a life of selfishness and lust. As children of God, we must fight the temptation to fall prey to this lifestyle ourselves. The Israelites covenanted with God to follow His Word yet found themselves embroiled in situation after situation, time after time where they battled with the desires of the flesh versus the desires of God. Jesus alluded to this battle talking about the people of Noah’s time having no clue what was about to happen to them until the floodwaters came and swallowed them up. Let us not be swallowed up by the temptations of this world. May we be ever-vigilant servants, managing God’s household here on Earth knowing that a greater reward awaits.
Practice: For those who have yet to experience the forgiveness of Christ, Psalm 30 will be difficult to fully appreciate, but for those who have experienced the forgiveness that only Christ can offer, we read a psalm of deliverance and faithfulness. Today, make an effort to share this kind of love and forgiveness with others. May we lay our heads down tonight with a heart full of joy as we sing from the Psalm, “Sing to the Lord, all you godly ones! Praise his holy name. His anger lasts for a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime! Weeping may go on all night, but joy comes in the morning!”
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