Ezra 10:1-44, 1 Corinthians 6:1-20, Psalm 31:9-18, Proverbs 21:3
Pray: Spend time imagining how life is different in a month, in 5 years, and in 25 years from today. Pay attention to what is prioritized in your thoughts and what fears and joys emerge. Then join the psalmist in declaring “I am trusting you, O Lord…My future is in your hands” (Psalm 31:14a, 15a)
Read: Read the Proverb first today, and then consider how its truth is reinforced and illustrated through the rest of the reading.
Edify: There’s a clear call to not forget “who” you are and “whose” you are despite life circumstances or temptations. Ezra calls a nation that had been ripped out of their land to confess how they had strayed, remember who they are, and to make things right. Paul urges forgiveness and reconciliation among believers that have disagreements. On what basis? They belong to God and are to be witnesses to His goodness. In each case, in sinful rebellion or disagreement, there is confession and calling upon the name of the Lord involved. Paul urges those tempted to “remember that you do not belong to yourself, but God has bought you with a high price…and you are the temple with the Holy Spirit!” Don’t forget who you are and whose you are before turning your back on what is “right and just.”
Practice: Both Ezra and Paul remind us the high value that our bodies hold in the eyes of God. In what ways are you abusing your body or sinning with your body that houses the Holy Spirit? Food or diet? Lack of exercise? Avoiding going to the doctor for a physical or some nagging issue? Giving in to physical temptations? Confess to God, then take a cleansing action like the people of Israel demonstrated.
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