Ezra 8:21-9:15, 1 Corinthians 5:1-13, Psalm 31:1-8, Proverbs 21:1-2
Pray: An incredible promise in the Psalm today is that “the Lord cares about the anguish of my soul.” What is it that grieves your soul today? Begin by sharing your anguish with the Lord and rejoicing in His unfailing love.
Read: See how sin grieves the heart of God and the heart of spiritual leaders. Take note of how serious sin is and unrepentant sin in particular. Finally, as you read today, take note of how sin is ultimately a heart and worship issue.
Edify: It’s clear that the apostles understand the Church to be the New Israel promised throughout the Old Testament. And Israel, God’s people, are to be holy and set apart. This is why the intermarriage that has Ezra pleading with God for mercy is a faith and holiness issue, rather than primarily a racial issue. To belong to God’s people isn’t to be sinless, however it is to be growing in grace through repentance and faith. Paul warns about the “wolf” in the “sheepfold” that is unrepentant and drawing the entire community into sexual sin. Paul’s words are no doubt harsh about casting them out of the community, because there is so much at stake with sin. It cannot be contained, but instead infects everything. Christians cannot honor Jesus or even fully rejoice in our salvation without an accurate view of how sin separates and destroys fellowship with one another and with God.
Practice: How are you coddling your own sin or sin within the community that is nurturing your faith? How can you firmly and lovingly confront it through receiving or providing accountability in the immediate future?
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