October 1

Isaiah 62:6-65:25, Philippians 2:19-3:3, Psalm 73:1-28, Proverbs 24:13-14

Pray: Isaiah speaks to our need to raise the level of our prayer life and be more intentional to pray for God’s intervention, “O Jerusalem, I have posted watchmen on your walls; they will pray day and night, continually. Take no rest, all you who pray to the Lord.” We are to pray continually for our Lord’s mighty hand to move in powerful ways. Lift up the needs of your heart, lift up our community to God now so that God will help reveal to us how we can make a difference.

Read: “Lord You are our Redeemer from ages past…”. What a powerful word for us to meditate upon today. We can call upon God for mercy and pardon believing that God’s gracious love will still be available for us if we truly turn from our selfish ways to God’s redeeming ways. 

Edify: Have you ever feared that you would become a “nobody”? You are not alone if you have, for most Americans have feared that they would live most of their life and not be remembered as a “somebody”. Paul tells us about someone, who could have been forgotten if Paul had not remembered him,” Epaphroditus” who was willing to sacrifice his very life for Paul’s health. Epaphroditus became very ill caring for Paul, so Paul lifts him up as someone who has cared for him sacrificially and willing to do whatever it takes to bring him to healing. Sacrifice is the essence of Christ-like behavior.

Practice: The Psalmist states, “Lord I desire you more than anything on earth.” What a powerful declaration to state the deep yearning in the heart of a worshiper to desire God above all else. Otherwise, we would be guilty of idolatry. I remember a powerful word a successful lay person, Royce, shared with me years ago. His pastor was hinting around about him making a significant donation to their capital campaign. Royce told his pastor, “you don’t have to protect my wallet for me, I am really good at protecting my own wallet. Your job pastor is to challenge me to give sacrificially to God’s great Kingdom work. Challenge me beyond my selfishness to live like I fully trust God with everything.” Let it be so for you and me.

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