September 30

Isaiah 60:1-62:5, Philippians 1:27-2:18, Psalm 72:1-20, Proverbs 24:11-12

Pray: Both the Psalmist and the writer of Philippians bring us to the essence of the Christian life—humility. Let us begin with a spirit of humility as we pray, “Gracious God, I do not have the answers to life’s greatest questions. In fact, I have enough challenge making wise choices in my own life. I ask for Your wisdom today, as I read Your Word open my eyes to Your revelation, and my ears to hear Your voice in Scripture.”

Read: There is nothing more exciting and meaningful for a parent than to receive their child home from college, or a visit home after a long period of being away. Likewise, Isaiah paints a powerful picture of the sons and daughters of Zion coming home. Foreign persons will come and help build the city for the prosperity will be coming to this place of new growth and renewal. Do you feel God’s favor upon your church? Have you positioned yourself to receive God’s renewal in your life?

Edify: The Old Testament reading today clearly explains who God is and what God wants to do for us in saying, “I am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.” God has not only come to save us from our brokenness but to “buy us back”, to redeem us, from our sin and separation from God. This is how valuable you are to God—worth redeeming and paying a price for your salvation.

Practice: Where is your citizenship? Too often we take our citizenship for granted. There is so much freedom to enjoy as a citizen of the USA, and other European countries. Yet, we don’t begin to explore the freedoms we have. We also have incredible freedom as followers of Jesus Christ. We can be free of anger, bitterness, guilt and shame. We can be free of greed, materialism, and idol worship. Yet, we often refuse the freedom we could step into. I have to fight greed everyday. I fight greed by attempting to be generous. Yes, fight greed by being more generous. How will you live into your spiritual and patriotic freedom today?

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