September 23

Isaiah 41:17-43:13, Ephesians 2:1-22, Psalm 67:1-7, Proverbs 23:29-35

Pray: In Isaiah, God commands, “Look at my servant…my chosen one” (Isaiah 42:1). In prayer, ask God for a vision of His Son. See His face, His features, and the lines on His face. Imagine sitting with Jesus. Ask God for the gift through His Spirit to look at His chosen servant Jesus.

Read: What do the texts today reveal about the true nature of justice? Justice is a hot button word in our culture currently, but what does God mean by saying that Jesus will bring justice to the nations?

Edify: Isaiah reiterated yesterday that justice is rooted in the very nature of God, as it is a meaningful part of what it means for God to set His world right. This is shown by God giving His very law to measure what is right with, and there are constant warnings to God’s people to avoid exploitation and instead care for the vulnerable. God defends when His people are vulnerable, and God demands they be like Him in the way they treat others. The work of Jesus has united even Gentiles with God’s salvation plan, making peace and reconciling them with the Jews. This is the Good News that Gentiles, who were once not allowed in the temple, are citizens with God’s Holy people through who God is building His spiritual temple.

Practice: Think of someone who is vulnerable and take one small step towards providing for them today. Further, if you’re in a life group, go ahead and begin making plans this week to serve the poor, a single mom, someone in the hospital, etc.

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