September 24

Isaiah 43:14-45:10, Ephesians 3:1-21, Psalm 68:1-18,Proverbs 24:1-2

Pray: Isaiah 44:21 says, “Pay attention, O Jacob, for you are my servant, O Israel. I the Lord made you, and I will not forget you.” Are you paying attention? Get quiet and pay attention to the One who made you. Who is He? What is He up to in and around you?

Read: It’s one thing to get excited about the faithful works of God in the past. However, the Lord shows His excitement about His plans, culminating in the person and work of Jesus Christ. As you read, rejoice in God’s plan revealed, and what He still intends to do.

Edify: The God revealed in Isaiah is the One who shakes the mountains and whose word is stronger than the world’s strongest army. The fullness of God was pleased to dwell in Christ Jesus, who has now made a way for both Jews and Gentiles to come confidently before His throne (Ephesians 3:12). This should bring us to our knees as Paul says in verse 14. Has the plan of God and the love of God made most clear in Jesus Christ brought you on your knees in prayer? How has this good news been good enough news for you to intercede passionately for others to experience the gospel’s love and power?

Practice: Hit your knees in intercessory prayer in a new place. Hit your knees behind a closed door at work, in a field at a neighborhood park, or anywhere God overwhelms you today. And pray Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3:14-21 over others.

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