September 25

Isaiah 45:11-48:11, Ephesians 4:1-16, Psalm 68:19-35, Proverbs 24:3-4 

Pray: False gods are everywhere. People often fake it just to get by. You don’t want to be a full blown skeptic but one does wonder, “Is anyone for real?” God’s Word tells us in Isaiah that there are false gods which bring no healing, no help and no transformation. But the God of Israel is a God for all nations. It really matters who you pray to. Why pray to something which is a mere inanimate object? Something that someone else made with his hands? An exercise in futility of course. But what can happen when you cry out to the Living God who created the heavens and the universe? Everything can change, everything can be made new. So pray now to this living God. Ask first that the Holy Spirit might open up new understanding for today’s scripture reading.

Read: There is nothing like clarity to bring energy to a room of people. When people feel that they clearly understand expectations, are called to a purpose beyond themselves and have some possible steps which may bring the plan into reality there is no stopping creativity and capacity of those involved. In one word—unity. A unified purpose, a unified goal and clarity unleashes strength and excitement. Mission 20:21 at Christ Church is that kind of exciting, clear, energetic mission which is bringing a unifying mission as we “do not want to see another generation emerge which doesn’t know God and doesn’t know the great things He has done for Israel.”

Edify: So many talents, so many gifts, so much potential yet so many people never reach their full potential because they think their full potential is within their own achievement instead of helping others reach theirs! Paul tells us that Jesus descended to earth from heaven. He left heaven to enable us to achieve greatness. He made Himself poor so we could become rich in God. John Maxwell is right in saying “if you are going to go up in life you have to give up.” Lastly, we are called not to think more highly of ourselves than we should think. When we help others to achieve their God given potential we reach our destination with greater fulfillment. You and I can do more with multiplication than addition.

Practice: The psalmist reminds us that God is found in the “sanctuary”. The writer of the Psalm isn’t saying that God is limited to the sanctuary, but God does dwell in the place where His praise and adoration are presented regularly. Sacred space is vital for people who are serious about encountering God. Christ Church is focusing upon creating sacred spaces so we can put a stake in the ground to help people far from God encounter Jesus Christ. What can you do sacrificially to make Mission 20:21 a reality? Pray now so God will find you faithful, doing your part.  

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