September 26

Isaiah 48:12-50:11, Ephesians 4:17-32, Psalm 69:1-18, Proverbs 24:5-6

Pray: Isaiah 48 begins today with a little sarcasm, “have your idols ever told you this?” This after Isaiah reminds the listener that the living God has created the heavens and the universe. This is the God we pray to, the One who knows the yearnings of our hearts and the One who hears every prayer. Take courage, and bring your needs to this powerful, life-giving God as you begin to read the Scripture.

Read: Paul’s words come through strongly with the teaching that Jesus’ life and words reveal to us both the wisdom and truth of God. The truth of Christ clears back the cloudiness of the culture, the ambiguity where you and I can be fully convicted of making the right choices. People often say, “Pastor I’m not sure which way to go?” Sometimes what we mean by that is this, “The way I am convicted by the Holy Spirit is going to cost me, it's hard, it's not the easiest way, and I may be unpopular in choosing what I’m convicted of choosing.” Then I would say, “this is precisely the way God has revealed to you, for His ways are not our ways, but His ways bring truth, justice, peace and the very presence of the Holy Spirit giving us strength. Choosing truth and righteousness will always bring ultimate peace in your heart and life.

Edify: Living as children of light, rather than people of darkness is Paul’s theme in our reading. Through the Holy Spirit we can put off the old nature of lust and deception, and live into God’s preferred future. I can’t do this on my own, nor can you. We need the Holy Spirit living within us helping us to literally change spiritual clothes. Taking off the old clothing of bitterness, anger, harsh words and changing the way we think. We can, through the Spirit of God, have more of the mind of Christ. 

Practice: If you can’t relate to the words of the Psalmist today then hang on, as I don’t know of anyone who will get an ultimate pass on life without saying these words at least once in her or his life, “Save me, O God, for the floodwaters are up to my neck.” Psalm 69:1 Life is hard, and the mud and mire seem to weigh us down. Yet, there is someone who lightens our load, someone who gets into the mire and the mud with us and brings hope out of our hopelessness. So, if you are not crying out with these words today then please, look around you and see if there is someone at your workplace, your school, your neighborhood, your family or friends who are “up to their neck” and need “words of life” with encouragement, compassion and support so they know they are not alone. The people of God are here to love and lift each other up with the “unfailing love of God”. Let's share this love with each other so no one will be without it.

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