September 27

Isaiah 51:1-53:12, Ephesians 5:1-33, Psalm 69:19-36, Proverbs 24:7 

Pray: The Psalmist is positive in stating that God will save Jerusalem and rebuild Judah. These two long divided areas of faith will see renewal. Let us pray for less divisiveness and name calling in our culture. Let us also pray for our culture to respect those who disagree with them and the freedoms, for followers of Christ to exercise their faith privately and in the public square.

Read: Isaiah speaks prophetically in referencing Abraham as one man who made a great impact through one word, “Obedience”. God used Abraham’s obedience to change a nation. What could God do through your obedience? What could your sacrificial gift, through Mission 20:21, make upon our community by providing “sacred spaces” so others may come to know Christ?

Edify: One of the greatest text on relationships in all the Bible is Ephesians 5:21 “And further, submit to one another out of reverence for Christ”. Submitting to one another, seeking to listen, to understand each other could change the entire way conversation and problems are resolved in our culture.

Practice: There is one word, one practice, which could revitalize individual relationships, and transform our communities if we observed it…”Empathy”. Seeking regularly to ask, “What is it like to walk in her shoes?” Or, “why does he act the way he does? Could it be some issue from his past?” If we began to think first about the other person instead of writing them off, we could make a huge impact in the divisiveness in our culture.

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