September 28

 Isaiah 54:1-57:14, Ephesians 6:1-24, Psalm 70:1-5, Proverbs 24:8

Pray: Isaiah’s imagery is strong in suggesting that even though a woman who has never had a child can celebrate, and that we should prepare as if God is already bringing the growth, the prosperity to the people of God. Some may scoff at such a thought but is it not God’s goodness to give to those whom He chooses? A powerful God can do what He wants. What is even more powerful, is that God cares for the least among us and for each of us as He values us as His own creation.

Read: One of the most basic needs is water to replenish our thirst. When the Bible speaks of thirst it often speaks both literally and metaphorically, Our souls also thirst for God. Here are the powerful words in verse 1, “Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink—

    even if you have no money! Come, take your choice of wine or milk—

    it’s all free!”

There is a desire in the heart of every human for a relationship with God. St. Augustine said, “Our hearts are restless oh God until they rest in thee.”

Edify: Our scripture today says to “put on the whole armor of God”. We are not fighting against human flesh but there is a spiritual war at hand. The purpose of putting on armor is to “resist the devil” and after the battle to stand firm. If the armor is strong enough then we can resist the devil and not fall. From the breast plate of righteousness to the sword of the Spirit—the Word of God, the preparation is offensive first so the defense will be strong and resistant to the temptations and evil which come our way.

Practice: Paul tells us to “stay persistent in your prayers”. One of the greatest weapons forged is that of prayer. Jesus Himself spoke about the power of releasing demons in a little boy when Jesus said, “Some can only be cast out by prayer”. Prayer is not a substitute for us doing our part, but prayer does call upon God to do His part and unleash His divine power into our lives. 

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