October 15

Jeremiah 26:1-27:22, 2 Thessalonians 3:1-18, Psalm 85:1-13, Proverbs 25:16 

Pray: Father thank You for today. You are worthy of our praise and we thank You for providing for us each day. We ask for peace and grace today to deal with the struggles we have. Bless us with joy today and open our eyes and hearts to the community around us. 

Read: (Psalm 85:10-11) "Unfailing love and truth have met together. Righteousness and peace have kissed! Truth springs up from the earth, and righteousness smiles down from heaven."

Edify: These verses are telling us what is to come. Israel is still in rebellion but these verses are showing what God's grace and mercy will look like. These verses also portray a relationship between God and His people. God is steadfast and faithful in His love of Israel and He asks the same faithfulness to be returned to Him. We must never look at God's commands as merely rules - we should look at His direction for us in the context of a covenant relationship. 

Practice: What is God asking you to be faithful with? God has blessed us all with gifts and talents to be used for His glory. The Psalm here is showing us what peace looks like when God's people live in truth and faithfulness to God. God has been faithful to His people. He has done His part. Now it's our turn to take steps of faith in becoming devoted followers. Maybe it's attending worship each week or beginning the steps of tithing and trusting God with our finances. Obedience will bring joy and peace to our daily lives. We build a relationship by learning, loving and growing in that relationship. God is ready to bless our lives when we are faithful to Him. 

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