Genesis 30:1-31:16, Matthew 10:1-23, Psalm 12:1-8, Proverbs 3:13-15
Pray: Prayer opens the windows of our soul to hear the whispers of God. Prayer also opens our mind for understanding and insight. Today, ask the Lord to open your soul and mind to encounter truth, but to close anything out which would distract you from hearing the Lord’s special message to you today.
Read: Today is a disturbing read with Jacob and Laban going at each other trying to “out-wit” the other. There is no trust in this family and there is a competition for being top dog. Patrick Lencioni speaks about the essentials for trust in any organization. This too is essential in any family or marriage. This is not only found in the relationships with the men but also with Leah and Rachel. In the midst of this dysfunction, the voice of God speaks to Jacob to go to the land of his grandfather and father. The Lord does in fact speak through our dysfunction and call us out of sin and brokenness to a life of redemption. Listen for the Lord’s voice as you read.
Edify: Jesus gives us great insight into how to do ministry among persons who may receive us or may not. It is no disgrace to realize that sometimes people are open to an invitation to church, to hear your faith story or not. When people are not receptive, then it is okay to respectfully move on to a more receptive people. Lastly, Jesus warns us that we may have to even go to prison for our faith. People do in many countries. However, they trust in what God will give them through the Holy Spirit in that hour. When we are being faithful to serve, we can trust the outcome to God.
Practice: Today, Jesus sends out the twelve disciples to the “People of Israel", for it is to them that God wanted to offer salvation. Not because they are privileged, but because “salvation will come through the Jews.” The purpose is to heal the sick, cure leprosy, cast out demons and raise the dead! A normal day? I don’t think so. There is no greater journey in the world than partnering with the living God to change lives. You may not feel empowered to cast out demons or raise the dead, but your personal invitation to an unchurched neighbor, coworker, or friend could change their life forever. So, pray and invite someone today to attend worship.
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