January 15

Genesis 31:17-32:12, Matthew 10:24-11:6, Psalm 13:1-6, Proverbs 3:16-18

Pray:  When we feel we are under attack, in a tight spot, and our back is against the wall we wonder what we can do. Today’s Scripture challenges us to trust in God and give our issues, our problems and those who would do us harm over to God. So, begin today by giving your troubles, your problems or concerns to God. Lift up the Lord first and ask for God’s guidance as you read today’s stories of redemption.

Read: You don’t find this often, but here in Genesis is a clear instruction from God to Laban to “Leave my servant Jacob alone.” Jacob has outwitted Laban who has sought to deceive Jacob multiple times as Jacob had to work for Rachel for seven years, then he was deceived on his wedding night as he awoke the next morning only to find Leah in bed with him. Thus, Jacob works another seven years for Rachel and in a sense he never works for Leah—she is part of the deal or part of the family feud. Laban isn’t upset because Jacob took his daughters and grandchildren, but upset because the idols were stolen. These idols were likely made of silver or gold, thus being valuable not only for their sacred meaning but literally of great value monetarily. 

Edify: In Genesis and Matthew we find that God cares for his followers. Jacob is anointed as a grandson to Abraham. God will fulfill His purpose through Jacob so He tells Laban, “don’t touch my anointed.” Jesus also says in verse 26, “But don’t be afraid of those who threaten you. For the time is coming when everything that is covered will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all.” Today, we should take courage that God fights for those who obey Him and follow our Lord.

Practice: Prejudice is all around us and within us. We all are guilty of having preconceived notions about other people and jumping to conclusions without giving others the benefit of the doubt. Jesus warns about this in today’s reading. Our remedy for prejudice is to serve our neighbor with the love of Christ. When we serve others in the same humility and with the love of Christ, we are less likely to stand in judgment of them. It’s hard to try and rule over a person when you are actually washing their feet. Who will you serve today with the love of Christ?

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