Genesis 32:13-34:31, Matthew 11:7-30, Psalm 14:1-7, Proverbs 3:19-20
Pray: Today we claim the words of Jesus in the text when He says, “Come to me all who are weary and have heavy burdens for I will give you rest.” Many of us are carrying burdens, worries, anxiety, and much stress. Feel the spiritual lift as you lay down your burdens and worries before Jesus in prayer. Prayer is allowing for the spiritual other to walk beside us revealing God’s peace and presence. Spend some time asking God to open your heart to new understandings and your mind to revelation.
Read: Be careful as you read today’s text. Multiple lessons are in store for you. Remember the previous week’s reading, twenty years of anger and bitterness meet on the road as Esau comes to meet Jacob. Esau’s last words in Jacob’s ears were his brother’s threat to kill him. In reading the passages, we find Jesus finding confrontation as well with the religious leaders seeking to discredit Him and John the Baptist.
Edify: Servants are sent ahead with livestock as gifts from Jacob, who fears for his life. The brothers meet as Esau runs to meet his former adversary. Instead of knives being drawn, there is a long embrace and tears falling to the ground as healing takes place. Esau asks his brother why the gifts? Jacob tells him they are for him. Esau says, “I have everything I need”. Wow, when is the last time you’ve heard anyone say that? When is the last time you’ve really believed that?
Practice: We know that Rachel and Joseph are present, for they kneel down before Esau out of respect. They have both witnessed an amazing act of God’s grace. Instead of Esau seeking to take the life of their husband and father, they witness Esau kissing Jacob on the neck. When Jacob looks into Esau’s face he says, “It is like seeing the face of God!” Wow, why did Jacob say that? Perhaps it was because when he looked into Esau’s face, Jacob saw the face of grace, the face of forgiveness, which is the face of God. We are more like God when we give and when we forgive. What do people see when they look into your face? Bitterness, anger, hostility, and heavy burdens which you refuse to lay at the feet of Jesus? Why not ask the Holy Spirit to help you to lay down a burden, a hurt, bitterness or give the Lord an unresolved conflict so healing can begin today.
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